Yoga Classes & Events

Yoga Classes & Events


Classes, Workshops & Co.

I teach yoga in different contexts. I teach public classes in yoga studios and sports clubs, as well as closed classes in old folks homes and companies, and also give private lessons. I teach both in German and in English.

In addition to the regular yoga classes, I also offer workshops and retreats. The announcements are made via my newsletter and social media.

If you are interested in one of the above options, for example in business yoga for employees and colleagues, please send me an e-mail using the contact form.

Contact form

Public yoga classes that I currently teach (in German) on a weekly basis :

Tuesdays and Fridays from 11:15 – 12:15 pm @ Remise Zehlendorf
Gentle Hatha Yoga (Forrest Yoga inspired)
Looing forward to seeing you!


Wednesdays and Fridays @ Vorspiel – Queerer Sportverein Berlin e.V.
Forrest Yoga in Berlin Schöneberg

Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Fridays Yoga 50+ from 4:45 – 6:15 pm.

The courses run through the sports club. Registrations are possible via

Also every now and then as a substitute teacher @ Evolve Yoga
Forrest Yoga in Berlin Friedenau

The courses run through Evolve Yoga and registrations can be made directly via the studio’s website

Business Yoga, Private Lessons, Workshops & Retreats

There is a whole range of ways to effectively get to know and practice yoga for you.

team member

Business Yoga In the corporate context

I teach yoga classes in companies, which is an offer of the respective company to their employees. This can be before starting work, during lunch break or after work.
Business yoga has several advantages: motivation and team building through a relaxed atmosphere, promoted by the employer, no long journeys to any sports facilities and positive effects on health and well-being.

team member

Private Lessons One to one and individual

In private lessons, I pay particular attention to the individual needs of the participants. This can simply be the desire to deepen one's own yoga practice, as well as the knowledge of specific postures and breathing exercises.
Depending on the agreement, I currently offer the lessons at the yoga studio in Berlin Friedenau or Schöneberg, or also come to the participants home. The prices depend on duration, location and agreement.

team member

Workshops & Retreats To get to know and deepen

Workshops and retreats offer a wonderful opportunity to get to know Forrest Yoga and my lessons, or to immerse yourself in your own practice. Both usually extend over several hours or days and thus give more room to engage in the yoga practice and yourself.
You can find out via the newsletter or my social media, when and where the next events take place.


Workshops & Retreats

team member

Yoga weekend in Stolzenhagen/ Brandenburg: 01.08. – 03.08.2025

Two nights, surrounded by beautiful nature, 5x yoga and meditation, regional full board.

> Write me through the contact form for more information

team member

Yoga weekend in Stolzenhagen/ Brandenburg: 07.11. – 09.11.2025

Two nights, surrounded by beautiful nature, 5x yoga and meditation, regional full board.

> Write me through the contact form for more information

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