
Bodywork is in the widest sense related to massage and aims to free the body of tension, to release blockages and to increase the well-being. This combines deep tissue massage, intuitive touch, breathing work, and various pressure, pulling and stroking techniques to relax fascia, relax the nervous system and activate the self-healing powers from head to toe.
This mindful way of touching, usually affects not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Bodywork can help to get the emotions and tensions stored in the body moving. Thus in the long term, an inner and outer balance can find its' expression.
I now see bodywork as more than just a massage, but rather as holistic "working" with the body in the form of conscious and mindful movements. The experience and conscious perception of the body in movement and thus also the perception of what is present within us - physically, mentally and emotionally. Movement and dealing with the body as a healing tool in the overall process.
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