Forrest Yoga

The name Forrest Yoga goes back to the American Ana T. Forrest, who created this yoga style. The basis is traditional yoga poses, which were partially developed further and thus adapted to our modern living conditions.
The four pillars of Forrest Yoga are breath, strength, integrity and spirit: A deep breathing allows one to get in touch with the body and the body sensations. By physically strengthening the center as well as the entire body, one can also develop and live inner strength. Integrity as an essential life principle to recognize and implement your own boundaries, values and needs. The connection to spirit, or to the soul, in order to find the connection to oneself and to determine again and again, where one is at the moment, where one wants to go, and what truly makes us fulfilled and happy.
The various yoga poses are held longer with the help of deep breathing and thus not only allow the strengthening of the body, but also a more intense body awareness, the release of tension and a calming of the autonomic nervous system. One focus amongs others is the relaxation of the neck and shoulder area, where many people carry chronic tension. Hands-on assists and touch make it possible to feel the poses more deeply, to train body perception and to release blockages.
Forrest Yoga is suitable for beginners as well as for advanced students of all ages and offers different variations so that the practice can be adapted to individual needs.